Founders' Agreement

This Founders' Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement"), made by and between the founders signed below ("Founders"), is executed as of ________ (the "Effective Date").

WHEREAS the Founders who have signed below are creating a Business Venture (defined below) together;

WHEREAS, the Founders have created a limited liability company, organized under the laws of the state of Alabama ;

WHEREAS, the limited liability company is registered as: ________ (the "Business");

WHEREAS, the Founders wish to memorialize an agreement between them regarding their rights;

NOW, therefore, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein, as well as other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged), the Founders do hereby agree as follows:


The mailing address and the street address (principal office address) for the Business are as follows:

The principal and mailing address of the Business may change as the Founders may designate.


The purpose and definition of the Business Venture is as follows:


Name: ________

Capital Contribution: $ ________ (________)
Ownership percentage: ________ %

Name: ________

Capital Contribution: $ ________ (________)
Ownership percentage: ________ %


Each founder will have a different role in the constitution of the Business, as follows:


For any payment of funds from a Founder to the Business not specifically stated to be a capital contribution, that payment will be treated as a debt owed by the Business to the Founder. Such debt shall not increase the lending Founder's ownership interest in the Business and will be paid back with interest according to a schedule determined by a majority of Founders, which may be determined through a vote.

For any expenses incurred by Founders related to the Business, Founders will receive full reimbursement provided receipts are kept and made part of the Business' records.


Each Founder shall receive equal votes, regardless of ownership interest in the Business.


All Founders agree that all work-product, inventions, trade secrets, and confidential and/or proprietary information conceived, created or developed by the Founders which is related to the Business Venture or developed, made, or discovered by the Founder in the course of the performance of Founder's duties for the Business Venture shall be the property of the Business. The Founders hereby assign to the Business the entire right, title, and interest in and to all work created and in and to all proprietary rights therein or based thereon including without limitation any and all copyrights, patents, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights relating to all work.

ARTICLE 8 - 888258585582558:

552 22525258 58222882522 525 52522 2552 2522 8888 82 25882 22 8252582 222-258888 822285222858 52225252822 (58 52528252225 5228225) 525 252 5882 82 25882 22 55552 528522 52225252822 (58 52528252225 5228225) (828828288282 252 "25225822552 52225252822") 522555822 252 85882288 5222552 525 85882288. 552 2552828 52522 2552 252 25225822552 52225252822 88 828522 525 85855882. 5585 22 252 2552828 5288528 22 25822582 252 828522 525 2588522 252552 22 522 25225822552 52225252822 28822.

822285222858 52225252822 522258 22 522 82225252822 85885 88 822285222858 525 822225885882 85855882 22 252 85882288. 552 822285222858 52225252822 252 82 82 252 2252 22 528522228, 2285288528, 2225258, 255828828, 22288, 82288288528228, 8282228228, 2522228, 2555225528, 8222582528, 285822222, 5822582528, 225288, 8522828, 82228552, 55588228, 82228528, 28528, 25225528 25 22525 2558 25 8582222 222882522 525/25 8285228 525 252 2252582 22, 852 88 222 8828225 22, 252 282858 22 52825585 525 52828222222, 22528582822, 255222822, 225822228, 858222258, 852288258, 822288282558 25222522 525/25 2825282 25 522 22525 82225252822 85885 88 822285222858 525 822225885882 85855882 22 252 85882288 5222552.

822285222858 52225252822 252 25 252 222 82 588882825 58 8585, 2552525 85828822, 852 88 22 82 8228852525 522 82225252822 85885 25252 22 82 2525225 58 822285222858 52525 252 8858528252828 2552525 85885 82 858 588882825.

"55552 528522 52225252822" 85588 82 5228225 822882885882 58 522 2252585, 2528288, 222525, 2522252, 528822 25 22525 82225252822 2552 88 222 22282 25 5258225882 5882525825882 82 252 258888, 822852258, 25 82222282258 2552525 85885, 525 8285582 22 8585 8285282, 52 28222288 25 8222258858 558522522 852 82 58582825.

552 22525258 525282 52522 22 522225 525 2522282 252 25225822552 52225252822 525 228552 2552 82 5225828 828522.

ARTICLE 9 - 88225555588:

552 22525258 282 5 5522 22 8225822 525 5522 22 8552 22 252 85882288 5222552 525 2585 22525. 22525258 252 222 222522 82 522 85882288 25 8222552 85885 88 8828855 82 252552 22 252 85882288 22 252 22525258 22222525. 22525258 252 222 222522, 58528282 25 82585282822, 82 82222282822 8825 252 85882288 5222552.


In case of a dispute between the Founders relating to the Business Venture or Business, the Founders shall first attempt to resolve the dispute personally and in good faith. If these personal resolution attempts fail, the Founders shall then submit the dispute to mediation prior to the filing of any suit. The Founders each and all agree to submit any lawsuit to the state and federal courts within the state of Alabama .


Founders may resign from the Business or Business Venture at any time upon thirty days' written notice to the other Founders. Payout of the resigning Founder will be determined by mutual agreement of the remaining Founders, based on the net positive worth of the Business or Business Venture at the time of resignation.


Dissolution of the Business may occur if the Founders unanimously decide to dissolve the Business and the Business Venture and do so through a valid vote.

If the Business is dissolved, the Founders must participate in the winding up of the Business. Duties in winding up may include satisfying any creditors, liquidating assets, ensuring the cancelation of outstanding contracts, and any other actions the Founders deem appropriate.

If the Business is registered, final termination of the Business requires any state registration provided to the relevant Secretary of State to be canceled.


This Agreement may be canceled or terminated by unanimous written consent of the Founders if an organizational business document is created outlining relevant oversight of the Business, such as an Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, Operating Agreement, or any other foundational business document.


a. Right to counsel. All Founders have been advised of their right to seek independent counsel prior to signing this Agreement. All Founders have either sought such counsel or waive their right to do so and enter into this Agreement freely and of their own volition.

b. Language. All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language.

c. Severability. If any part or subpart of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, the remaining parts and sub-parts will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such condition, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force.

d. Entire agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Founders and the LLC with respect to the subject matter covered herein. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, written or oral, regarding the LLC.

e. Governing law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of Alabama without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule.

f. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended if agreed to in writing by each and all of the then-current Founders.

g. Headings for convenience only. Headings of parts and sub-parts under this Agreement are for convenience and organization, only. Headings shall not affect the meaning of any provisions of this Agreement.

h. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which shall constitute a single agreement. The Agreement shall be effective as of the date set forth above.

i. Notices. All notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers, and other communications hereunder (each, a "Notice") shall be in writing. All notices shall be delivered by email or at the addresses which the Founders may designate to each other, through this Agreement or otherwise, personal delivery, nationally recognized overnight courier (with all fees prepaid), or certified or registered mail (in each case, return receipt requested, postage prepaid). Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Notice is effective only if (a) the receiving party has received the Notice and (b) the party giving the Notice has complied with the requirements of this subsection.